How to Customize Reports

Stormwater Studio has three reports that have been pre-formatted. Namely:

  • Standard
  • HGL
  • Inlets

In some cases you will need to format a report to meet the requirements of a local drainage authority or for some other purpose. Two reports (Custom1 and Custom2) have been reserved for user-customization. It’s where you can specify what output variable appears in each particular column.

There is a list of over 80 different built-in variables you can choose from to include as well as a user-defined report name. Once created, Stormwater Studio saves the reports and reloads them upon each start-up. There’s no need to manage (open or save) files for these. It’s completely automatic.

You can, however, export and import these custom reports to re-use at a later date or share with a colleague who also uses Stormwater Studio.

To view the custom reports, make the Results tab active by clicking on it. You’ll see the Reports toolbar at the upper left.

Using the Reports Builder

Click on Custom1 or Custom2. Then click the Edit Reports button on the right.

This opens the Custom Reports builder.

This screen allows you to build your own reports by selecting output variables from the list on the left, OUTPUT FIELDS, and adding them to your report on the right, CUSTOM REPORT. You can name your report by modifying the text in the upper right. The default is Custom1 or Custom2.

Adding Columns to Your Report

To add a new column, scroll through the OUTPUT FIELDS; highlight a desired variable; then click the Add Column button. Rows, which actually represent the report columns, are added to your report left to right.

The limit to the number of columns you can add is 40 but after about 20 (Letter size) and 30 (Tabloid size), it will exceed the maximum width of the final printed report. Columns outside of the page boundaries will be omitted from the printed report but will be visible on the screen version. Screen versions can be exported as .csv files for further customizing.

Also note that Column 1 is reserved for the Line Number. It is not shown on the Custom Reports Editor screen but will appear on the finished version.

Removing Columns

You can remove a single column or a selection of columns by highlighting them on the CUSTOM REPORT list and clicking the Remove Column button.

Rearranging Columns

Once added, you can move any column variable up or down by selecting it and clicking on the Move Up/Down buttons.

Omit Default Line Number from Printed Report

The Line No. field will always show on the screen version of your custom reports in the first column. You can remove this item from the printed version by checking this option ON.

Saving Your Custom Report

When finished, click the [Save] button. The column selections are saved along with all other Stormwater Studio settings and are reloaded upon each start-up.

Sharing Your Custom Reports

Each custom report is automatically saved deep inside of the program’s settings so there’s very little for you to do to manage them. However, there may be times that you want to save your reports to re-use later or give to a colleague to use. This can be accomplished by using the Share option. This allows you to Export and Import previously created custom reports.

The Share button will provide two menu choices:

  1. Export – This allows you to export the currently selected Custom Report (1 or 2) to a simple text file (anyfilename.rpt). Anyone can then Import that “anyfilename.rpt” file. Once Imported, it will be automatically saved to that user’s Settings file, just as if they created it themselves. It will automatically reload upon launch.
  2. Import – This allows you to open a previously exported report as described above. The imported report will be placed in the currently selected Custom Report (1 or 2).

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